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new chapter... clean slate: take one?

well hello there, it has been a time hasn't it?

no I did not die... not yet anyways I have until I'm 44 from a heart attack, but I digress.

anyways, October is here and you know what that means!!

A fresh start, a new month, a new chapter ready to be filled with the memories you create.

Welcome to the next chapter of your story.

Here we have a clean slate

a take one of the month

and boy am I ready.

Here's to the adventures to come

the laughter

the tears

the smiles

the rants

to everything that life decides to throw at me

I am ready

here's to not wasting my precious time

here's to focusing on what's important

here's to having a backbone and standing up

here's to worrying solely on what I can control

here's to a positive mentality and a kind mindset

obstacles will occur, ruts will be had, and bad days will seem like the end of the world... but you know what? you can't stop me now.

time to run full throttle at the future

no more

it's time to make your own sunshine darling

stand tall

head up

converse on

let's go


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