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city living tip #179

tip number one-hundred-and-seventy-nine: when you've officially lost it, seek out tea, when there is no tea to be found make your own

-today will be a weird day

-enjoy sign language

-enjoy the weather

-embrace your grunge look

-have fun filming for a photoshoot

-realize that every role you play either is a failed relationship, involving a cookie, or murder

-in some cases it's all three

-meet up with an old friend

-ice cream is the way to go

-people watch and shop via their outfits

-timing hates me

-there's your social quota of the day

-your resting mean face is showing

-laugh at your insanity

-try to get tea, realize dunkin is not open, be thankful that your friends can satisfy your tea needs

-it was good that you weren't alone

-life is too short


life advice from a small town girl living in the big city

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