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why do I keep looking for signs to tell me what to do with my life

signs to tell me where to go

signs to tell me what to do

signs to tell me when to stop

signs to warn me when to proceed with caution

I look at the world around me and crave signs


life doesn't come with a handbook telling you what to do

each step is not planned out

there isn't a list to check off from a to z

there is no instruction to the spontaneity that is life

so why do I insist on forcing the universe to show me signs

who's to say they know best

who's to say they know the path I'm meant to be on

who's to say the signs are what I'm meant to follow

I'm sick and tired of letting these signs dictate what I do in life

I'm on my own path

I'll move forward one foot in front of the other

I don't need a sign telling me when to live my life

{thoughts of a wandering mind}

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