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how I've been feeling lately

the sky is tinted purple

it stands out against the grey that covers the rest of the sky

its a little taste of color in a world that has become so grayscale

I think that's an accurate description of how I've been feeling lately

surrounded by grey, but holding onto the things that give the world color


for a while I've felt lost in a place that is solely black and white

seeing the world in two tones

a muted reality

a blurry vision of what truly lies before me

but it's these little specks of color

the red of the roses

the orange glow of the lights

the yellow of the taxis

the green of the grass

the blue of the morning

the indigo of the night

the purple of the sky that is tinted against the grey

remind me that without the darkness, colors would have no depth

so yeah,

sometimes I might only see in black and white

sometimes I might only think in muted tones

but nothing can stop me from living my life in color

the sky is tinted purple

(ended listening to Nick Box - Storms)

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