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sleeping in the city that never sleeps

tonight I am back in New York.

I am in the city that never sleeps and yet I am about to go to sleep

right now there are several thoughts swimming, floating, crashing, around in my head and I just need to get them out

(currently listening to "the aviators" by Helen Jane Long)

I am frustrated

I am tired

I am confused

I am scared

I want a change

I want to live the life I feel is worth living

I want everything to be ok

I am worried about my choices

I want different options

I wish I could see what others were thinking but then again no

I want a perfect playlist to ease my mind

I want to be back at work

I want a job in a movie theater

I want a job in my field

I wish my friends the best and want them to be happy

I wish I could relive certain moments

I want to know it's not just my minds version of excuses

I want to trust

I want to have people to turn to here

I would like to be living my dream

I would like my scripts to be finished

I like my new video a lot

I wish



It's time to sleep and see what tomorrow brings

play the music

ease the mind

drift into the inbetween

and recharge for tomorrow

these are the wandering thoughts of a girl who wanders with her converse


life advice from a small town girl living in the big city

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