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stream of consciousness 2

SOC 2:

Where to begin?

Well, sitting alone in my dorm while my friends are out is a great way to establish the mood.

Set the lights low and picture yourself in bed. You're comfy, enjoying the soft pillow and wonderful blanket of stress that engulf you.

spending my Sunday evening crying while watching my old videos is a wonderful way to contemplate the ever present question of existentialism.

have you ever had the feeling where the world is spinning so fast you can't catch up with it? Well right now my head is spinning so fast and I'm desperately trying to twirl in time with it.

What's great about stress is that it can come in many forms. Mine right now has taken comfort on my face. Isn't stracne just wonderful? And to top it off let's throw in a cold sore from lack of sleep.

I'm already prepped and ready for the jokes that will ensure. oh did you kiss a cute guy and that's why you have the cold sore? why yes... two actually! Their names were stress and lack of sleep, don't worry you'll meet them... I'm sure they'll be sticking around for quite a while.

Wanna know one question I keep asking myself? Why am I at film school? I have been here for exactly 50 days and the only time I have touched a camera has been the two times that I went out individually and filmed. I' anxious to just jump right into it, but that's a rant for another time.

I like to end rants on a positive note so let's see... what twist can I put on this?

You had your week of good days, now it's time to settle back into reality.

Make the best of what is happening

If you feel judged or insecure know that those aren't the people you should be worrying about. Focus on you.


This has been a stream of consciousness from the ever wandering mind of



life advice from a small town girl living in the big city

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