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She likes the rain.

The crash of the downpour was peace to her ears. Walking alone along the well-worn sidewalk she glances upwards towards the sky. Face smiling against its tiny tears. Each droplet falls adding to the applause from a non-existent audience. Step after step she takes in the calm of the storm, humming the simple tune to herself. Singing in the rain… literally, she laughs into the empty park. Timing herself to the beat she launches into each puddle, causing a splash greater than the fountain. She swings around the lamppost and lands in a bow. The rain once again provides the applause, as she walks past the empty benches to where the spotlight waits. It’s not like the sun, cold to those who look at her and leaving burns on those daring to share the day. It’s not like the snow, pretty from afar but biting up close.

She liked the rain.

She liked the refreshing shower of nature. She liked how her worries washed away and she couldn’t help but smile because there’s nothing she could do except accept the downpour. She let the tears of mother nature mix with her own, and breathed.

She wonders why no one else likes the rain...

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